Local ingredients, classic taste! The secret to Parlor Tobacco Co. Pipe Tobacco!

The key to our premium pipe tobacco line is tradition, time, and the people, waters, soil, and sun of South Carolina!

At Parlor Tobacco Co., we don’t get our flavoring from amazon.com shipped from a chemical factory on the other side of the planet.

Our sweet, aromatic pipe tobaccos are flavored with the taste of the palmetto state and its dedicated family farmers, and maybe a couple moonshiners too.

Our Tobacconists scour the low country and local area for the very best organic, family grown produce to find our ingredients.

Then, when they’re JUST right, we peel, chop and dice them by hand, and add them to locally made South Carolina moonshine to extract their essence and flavor!

We take some of the moonshine, and add it to our premium hardwood smoked tobaccos and let time and evaporation do the rest.

And that’s it! That’s how we bring you the finest, small batch premium pipe tobaccos available!

At Parlor Tobacco Co., we don’t believe faster, bigger, or newer is better, and you can taste it in our products every time it touches a match.

So treat yourself to a bowl and taste the difference for yourself!

– The Parlor Tobacco Co. Family

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