Sustainable, biodegradable, clean and green! Parlor Tobacco Co.’s creed!

In the spirit of tradition, and love of our home state and its many inhabitants, ALL Parlor Tobacco Co.’s products are packaged and labeled with biodegradable, natural materials!

That means we don’t use plastic or chemicals that could wind up in our precious waterways!

We understand that our biggest asset isn’t in a bank, but in our land, our water, and the cool Carolina breeze!

What ends up in our rivers and streams winds up in our afternoon rains!

What ends up in our rain, winds up in the fertile black and red soil we depend on to grow our all natural ingredients!

And what ends up in the soil, ends up in our peaches, berries, and in our tobaccos!

We have an obligation to protect ALL South Carolina’s inhabitants for generations to come, and to protect our identity which is also tied up in our wildlife, which, in turn is tied right back to the land.

So not a single scrap of plastic chokes our waterways or our unique wildlife, our family will bring you all natural biodegradable packaging on every product we produce.

We do this as a promise to our state and the future to keep our beautiful Carolinas beautiful, so that this bountiful land and the tastes, smells, and spirit of the Carolinas and its swampy enchanted mystique can be enjoyed for another hundred years!

– The Parlor Tobacco Co. Family

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